Oracle Certification Matrix

Hi, everyone.
Today in this article I will show you, how to find the certification matrix for one specific Oracle Database Release.


PS: Also applied to any other Oracle Product.

Please find the steps below:
1 – Is mandatory to have an account in the My Oracle Support (MOS) website.
2 – After log in into the My Oracle Support, you will find a menu with a few options. Please click on “Certifications” tab:
3 – You will find in the right side menu, two mandatory fields (Product and Release) to be filled up.
After choose the “Product” and “Release” you can click on the button “Search“.

Ps: The “Platform” field is not mandatory to be filled up.
4 – The search results will bring you a list of a few products (Operating Systems, Application Servers, Middleware and etc.) that is certified to be used with the requested release:
See you in the next post!


Leonardo Santos Lopes –



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