Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps:
A simple usage approach – Part 2

            This article is the second part of the series of articles about Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps. For a better understanding, I recommend reading the article “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 1” before proceeding with the steps in this article.
As in the previous article the Docker configuration was handled, we will begin to provision the Oracle Autonomous Database version 18c in the Oracle Cloud.
– Provisioning the Oracle Autonomous Database in the Cloud: Before provisioning the database it is necessary to create a Compartment. If you have not yet created click on “Identity” and later on “Compartments” under the “Governance and Administration” tab of the menu:



Then click “Create Compartment” if there is no existing compartment: The root compartment is the first compartment created. From this it is possible to create other compartments by using it as an option in the “Parent Compartment” tab.
Fill in the required fields as the Name of the compartment, any description in the Description field and click on the “Create Compartment” link.
In the above example the name “brunoreis” was chosen as the name of the compartment. In addition, because Oracle recommends creating databases in compartments other than root, a compartment called TECHDATABASKET was created, represented by the image below:


Now with the compartment created we will proceed with the creation of the Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) instance.
On the Oracle Cloud menu, click Autonomous Transaction Processing:


Click the Create Autonomous Database button:
In the Create Autonomous Database tab fill in all requested information such as database name, CPU core, storage etc. An important note in this topic is that you can choose the type of workload as AUTONOMOUS DATA WAREHOUSE or AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION PROCESSING. However, in this article we are only using the AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION PROCESSING option.
Make sure you have provided all the information correctly and click on “Create autonomous database”:
During the creation of the database, we will be shown the status “Provisioning”
Once the provisioning is finalized, the status is changed to “Available”:
            In the next article we will discuss the connection between Oracle SQL Developer using the database wallet file created in the Oracle Cloud and also the creation of a Linux machine where the application will be implemented.




Bruno Reis da Silva is a Database Cloud Support Engineer and professionally Certified Oracle Database Administrator who has worked on the South American continent and is now working at the European continent. He was awarded the first Oracle Ace Associate of Hungary in 2017. His interests are in RDBMS, mainly Oracle, operating systems (Linux, AIX, HPUX and Solaris) and High Availability Solutions implementations. In his free time he enjoys playing sports , going to the gym and traveling. His blog is dedicated to his sister Laura Vitoria and the main reason for blogging is because he believes in the quote “giving back to get back” . He also enjoys continuous learning and the interaction with others who share his interest.




Carlos Magno de Andrade Júnior is an  Database Architect at eProseed Europe, with more than 15 years of experience in Oracle database on complex projects in countries such as Brazil , India , the Netherlands, Luxembourg , France and Italy, having worked in companies such as Oracle Corporation, IBM, HSBC, among others. Also shares information on his blog Certifications : OCM 12c OCP 10g , 11g OCP , OCP 12c, OCE RAC , Exadata , ITIL and OEM 12c Cloud Control Implementation Specialist.