Adding OCI target manually using SSH Private Key in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c

Guys, today’s tip is about how to add an OCI target manually in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c using private key ssh.
This week I was implementing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c using machines on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), as access to Oracle 11g bank server was done only using a private key, I needed to add this server to be monitored on Cloud Control 13c using ssh private key, I researched a lot and broke my head to add an OCI host, so I decided to post to help other people, below are the steps:
Manually adding the Oracle database server to be monitored in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.
Guys today’s tip is about how to add an OCI target manually in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c using private key ssh.
This week I was implementing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c using machines on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), as access to Oracle 11g bank server was done only using private key, I had the need to add this server to be monitored on Cloud Control 13c using ssh private key, I researched a lot and broke my head to add an OCI host, so I decided to post to help other people, below are the steps:
Manually adding the Oracle database server to be monitored in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Adding the Oracle 11g Linux platform host
Create the directory in oracle home with oracle user to install the Agent on the server that we will monitor Oracle database 11g.
mkdir -p /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/agentem13c
Add the base agent directory to deploy to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Discovering the private key to be added from the default user opc in the OCI to add in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.
cat /home/opc/.ssh/id_rsa
Just copy all the text with the private key.
Fill in the UserName field with the opc user and paste the private key in the SSH Private Key field, then change the run privilege field to sudo and run as for the oracle user.
Okay, just go ok and follow the next steps that the deployment to the target with Oracle database 11g will finish and be successfully added to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.



César Carvalho – DBA